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Yamas & Niyamas: The ethical foundation of yoga
Yamas & Niyamas: The ethical foundation of yoga In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali introduces the Yamas and Niyamas as foundational principles of Yama & Niyama, describing them as the bedrock…
What should be the role of a teacher in the fat loss class?
What should be the role of a teacher in the fat loss class? When one must lose fat, it is difficult to stay motivated all the time. Hence sometimes dependence…
Why do certain foods make us fat but do not affect others around us?
Why do certain foods make us fat but do not affect others around us? Our constitution and genetics play a huge role in digestion of the foods we eat. The…
Strengthening the frontlines: Shriyog Institute’s contribution to the Indian Army on the 9th International Yoga Day
Strengthening the frontlines: Shriyog Institute’s contribution to the Indian Army on the 9th International Yoga Day June 12, 2024 – The 9th International Day of Yoga marked a significant…
Inauguration of Yog Vatika: Honouring B.K.S. Iyengar’s Legacy at Shri Yog Institute
Inauguration of Yog Vatika: Honouring B.K.S. Iyengar’s Legacy at Shri Yog Institute Pune, May 31, 2024 - In a grand event marked by reverence and celebration, Shriyog Institute in Pune…
Types of Yoga: Shriyog Life
Types of Yoga: Shriyog Life I would like to mention three important schools only because they sprout from one origin. Today we are living in the fourth Yuga, the Kali-yuga.…
Is yoga for me?
Is yoga for me? Let’s first begin with the word “ME” in the above sentence. We have some difficulties with “ME”. Either we do not like the way we look,…
Initial Pessimism in Indian Philosophy
Indian philosophy is broadly branded as pessimistic in nature.There are a total of 9schools of indian Philosophy and all showcase the feature of initial pessimism. Pessimism is the tendency to…
Keep your Doshas and digestion in check during monsoon season
Keep your Doshas and digestion in check during monsoon season We know the 3 Doshas in the body are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata has the energy of movement like…
Monsoon Detox
Monsoon Detox – How & Why in Ayurveda ? There is a link between external and our internal environment and Ayurveda helps the body cope up with the external changes…